
DSCC Launches Full Screen Takeover Ads Against Flake As Senate Healthcare Deadline Looms

As Republicans advance in secret towards their July 4th health care deadline, today the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is launching full-screen Google takeover ads featuring new versions of the DSCC’s ad “The Price” — specifically highlighting how Senator’s Flake support for the Republican health care agenda will spike costs and strip coverage for hardworking families in his state.

The ads utilize Google’s innovative “full-screen takeover” advertising feature, which expands video content across a viewer’s entire screen and are especially effective at reaching mobile viewers and  ‘cord cutters’ who consume television lightly. The DSCC is the first campaign organization to utilize Google’s full-screen takeover format during the 2018 cycle. An example of the full screen takeover format is available here.

The ad will reach targeted voters in Arizona who comprise key elements of the 2018 midterm electorate, including older, women and swing voters as part of an ongoing six-figure digital ad buy.

“Senator Flake can try and ram through his health care bill in secret, but voters will know exactly who to blame when their costs spike and their coverage is cut,” said Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Spokesman David Bergstein. “This week the stakes for middle class families could not be higher — and if Senator Flake gets his way, hardworking Americans will pay the price while insurance companies and the rich get a tax break. We’re standing with voters across the country in opposing a plan that is unpopular in Arizona and will hold Senator Flake accountable for his actions.”

“What Will Senator Flake’s Vote On Health Care Cost You?”

In Arizona:

  • 400,000 Arizonans could lose coverage;
  • 52 percent of all voters said they were less likely to support an elected official who backed the GOP’s health care agenda;
  • Arizona could lose 62,000 jobs;
  • Republican Governor Jan Brewer said Flake’s position could “devastate” Arizona.  

The DSCC first launched its 30-second health care spot, “The Price,” – described as “gut punch of an ad” by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow –  when the GOP released its devastating health care plan in March alongside a health care website. The DSCC also released targeted Google search advertisements highlighting potential GOP Senate candidates’ support for the Plan, and most recently the DSCC launched 6-second, non-skippable YouTube ads in 9 battleground states – becoming the first national campaign committee to utilize YouTube’s innovative bumper ad format during the 2018 campaign cycle.

For additional information about the 2018 health care dynamics in Senate campaigns, please see the DSCC’s recent memo, “2018 Health Care Dynamics Crystalize Against GOP Senate Candidates,” and a recent Medium Post from DSCC Political Director Dan McNally, “Heller and Flake Caught In A Healthcare Vise.”


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DSCC Launches Full Screen Takeover Ads Against Heller As Senate Healthcare Deadline Looms

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