New reporting from Heartland Signal details that David McCormick is trying to “rewrite his past” by “call[ing] for U.S. economic decoupling with China, despite his … long track record of Chinese economic ties.”
This follows previous reporting highlighting that McCormick released his book in an attempt to “change his tune to align himself with the China hawk rhetoric used to defeat him last year.”
In response to McCormick’s book launch, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee released a new book, “Chameleon:” David McCormick’s Real Record, which details McCormick’s “MAGA Makeover,” his job creation pledge that “was never realized,” and his philosophy that “when China succeeds, the United States succeeds.”
Heartland Signal: David McCormick ramps up anti-China rhetoric despite previous investments
By Richard Eberwein
May 23, 2023
Key points:
See also: ICYMI: “McCormick can’t seem to figure out whether he’s for or against China” [Heartland Signal]; New York Times: The Art of the MAGA Makeover; Bloomberg: The Bridgewater CEO Who Went Full Maga; 90.5 WESA: David McCormick’s record on job creation may give false impression to Pennsylvania voters; The Philadelphia Inquirer: David McCormick’s longtime praise for China and trade could bite his Pa. Senate run.
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