

DSCC CHAIR PETERS HIGHLIGHTS SENATE DEMS’ “MONTHS LONG BLITZ TO PROMOTE REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS” ON MORNING JOE → DSCC Chair Sen. Gary Peters joined MSNBC’s Morning Joe to discuss Senate Democrats’ “month-long blitz to promote reproductive rights.” 

  • Morning Joe: “Senate Democrats are in the middle of a month-long blitz to promote reproductive rights, highlighting their sharp contrast with Republicans on abortion health care as the second anniversary of the fall of Roe v. Wade quickly approaches. 
  • “Axios reports that Senate campaigns in all battleground states are taking part by hosting events with local organizations…all bolstered by paid advertising from the DSCC.” 
  • Sen. Peters: “There are incredibly clear contrasts for folks that we need to make sure folks see, particularly in our Senate races all across the country. Our Democratic incumbents and candidates are pro-choice and support the right for women to make these fundamental reproductive decisions, and they’re running against very extreme candidates that have taken extreme positions, often with no exceptions for rape or for incest.” WATCH.

AND DSCC VICE CHAIR SMITH JOINS DNC & DCCC DEMS TO HIGHLIGHT REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM AS “DEFINING ISSUE IN THIS ELECTION” → Ahead of the two-year anniversary of the overturning of Roe v. Wade, DSCC Vice Chair Senator Tina Smith joined DNC Chair Jaime Harrison and DCCC Chair Suzan DelBene to highlight Republicans’ continued attacks on women’s right to make their own medical decisions. 

  • 📣 DSCC Vice Chair Sen. Smith: “Republicans say that they have a messaging problem on reproductive freedom and abortion care. No, they have a policy problem because they’re on the wrong side of American voters, and you can see it when you go to”

More coverage from the Joint Committee Event: 

  • Spectrum News: “Democrats have effectively used the fight over abortion access since the Dobbs decision in June 2022 to perform better than expected in off-year and special elections as polling suggests the decision and laws proposed and passed by Republican lawmakers are increasingly unpopular.”
  • PoliticusUSA: “Democrats are running on girl’s and women’s freedom, in sharp contrast to the medical torture and control the Republicans support supposedly out of deference to their religious beliefs of right to ‘life’, which somehow they do not apply to children being slaughtered in their schools by guns or the death penalty.”

MEANWHILE, GOP SENATE CANDIDATES STUMBLE AROUND IVF “POLITICAL MINEFIELD” → Reporting from The Hill this week detailed how Republican Senate candidates face a “political minefield on IVF” while “playing defense” on the issue.

ON SPECTRUM NEWS, SEN. PETERS BREAKS DOWN HOW GOP SENATE CANDIDATES “ARE NOT READY FOR PRIMETIME.”→ Also this week, DSCC Chair Sen. Gary Peters joined Spectrum News to discuss how “Democrats feel confident they are winning the ‘candidate quality’ game” and that Republicans’ Senate recruits “are not ready for primetime.” WATCH.

📺 WHILE MSNBC CALLS SENATE REPUBLICAN RECRUITS “FREAKS AND GEEKS” → MSNBC’s All In With Chris Hayes slammed the Senate Republicans’ roster of “freaks and geeks” this week, discussing how the GOP has “elevated extreme candidates who are downright repellent.” 

  • ON KARI LAKE: “Kari Lake who ran for Governor in Arizona, former TV news reporter who campaigned against the fake news media. Not only parroted Trump’s lies about the 2020 election, she also subsequently claimed her own election was stolen and still does.” 
  • ON DAVID MCCORMICK:This year they are running David McCormick, another rich carpetbagger who spends most of his time at a $16 million mansion in Connecticut bought with his hedge fund wealth.”
  • ON ERIC HOVDE:Republicans have selected Eric Hovde, the CEO of a Utah-based bank who lives in a $7 million oceanfront mansion in Laguna Beach, California, not far from his main office. Hovde also recently took fire for defending his claims about voting irregularities by suggesting that residents of nursing homes are too close to death for their votes to count.”


  • “SMOKESCREEN” SAM → Reporting from Jezebel detailed how Sam Brown has been “using his wife’s personal story as a smokescreen” for his anti-abortion record, including “a decade of supporting abortion bans” – and that the Browns lied to NBC News: 
  • “The Browns also said the February interview was the first time Amy publicly shared her abortion story, but Amy’s spoken about it at least three times before, often in opposition to reproductive freedom.”
  • THE COMPANY YOU KEEP → The American Journal News detailed that Brown “has ties to extremists who compared abortion to slavery,” and Brown “held a leadership position in the same organization.” 
  • NO STRANGE BEDFELLOWS HERE  → Reporting from the Nevada Current found that Sam Brown “personally recruited and managed the campaign” for an “extreme anti-abortion candidate in Texas.” 

HOGAN’S HEADACHE → After endorsing Larry Hogan last week, Trump doubled down on his support for the McConnell-handpicked recruit, saying electing Hogan would “be a good thing.” 

TIM TRIPPED UP AFTER “TAP-DANCING AROUND THE TRUTH”  → A new column in the Daily Montanan detailed how Tim Sheehy is “tap-dancing around the truth” when it comes to his well-documented anti-public lands stance. 

LAKE FACES COMPLAINT OVER IMPROPERLY USING NON-PROFIT FOR PERSONAL GAIN → A new column in The Arizona Republic slams Kari Lake, who is facing a new IRS complaint alleging she is “associated with a nonprofit that is skirting the rules,” writing, “maybe the IRS will find Kari Lake as taxing as we do.” The IRS complaint was first reported by the Arizona Mirror.

SCOTT’S NOT THE ONLY THING FULL OF HOT AIR → After Rick Scott AGAIN blocked protections for IVF treatments, the Florida Democratic Party joined with women in Orlando, Miami, and Tampa to call out Scott’s dangerous anti-reproductive freedom record. Joining the advocates was a 20-foot-tall IUD inflatable balloon. See for yourself.

NO (FUNDRAISING) BINDER LEFT BEHIND → CRUZ CRASHES: Cruz faced a slew of bad headlines this week, detailing how his shady super PAC faces mounting scrutiny for questionable fundraising practices and campaign finance violations. His week was made even worse after a left-behind fundraising binder full of information about his donor meetings was discovered


  • Senator Jacky Rosen’s newest ad, “Power To Negotiate,” discusses Rosen’s work standing up to big drug companies, capping insulin prices and passing legislation that provides Medicare the power to negotiate prescription drug prices. 



David Bergstein 

Amanda Sherman Baity

Maeve Coyle 

Tommy Garcia 

Annie Lentz

Emily Benson 

Julia Ferrara 

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