
DSCC Statement on Ohio Primary Results

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee spokesman David Bergstein issued the following statement on the results of tonight’s Ohio Republican Senate primary:

“Congressman Jim Renacci (R-Lobbyist) has made a lot of headlines in the course of this primary for all the wrong reasons. There was the report about his failure to disclose donations he made as a lobbyist and that he remained a registered lobbyist while serving in Congress. There was another investigation of his record that found he has the worst voting attendance of anyone in the Ohio Congressional delegation. Then, there was the story that captured the front pages in Ohio and Indiana: his straw-donor fundraising scheme. Congressman Renacci has a lot of questions to answer about why he’s always putting himself first ahead of Ohio – and we are confident voters will hold him accountable.”

What To Know About Congressman Jim Renacci (R-Lobbyist):

  • Cincinnati Enquirer: Renacci employed a “straw donor scheme” to funnel nearly $27,000 from his federal congressional campaign to his state gubernatorial campaign in an attempt to skirt Ohio campaign finance limits. [Cincinnati Enquirer, 4/5/18]
  • Associated Press: Renacci “failed to disclose nearly $50,000 in political contributions while registered as a Washington lobbyist.” [AP, 3/28/18]
  • Renacci remained a registered lobbyist for more than four months while serving in Congress. [AP, 3/28/18]
  • Columbus Dispatch: Renacci “stops just short of violating congressional rules” with fundraising tactics. [Columbus Dispatch,4/22/18]
  • Renacci has missed the highest percentage of votes of any Ohio member of Congress in 2017. [, 2/20/18]
  • Renacci supported the Republican Healthcare Plan that spikes premiums by 20 percent, strips coverage for pre-existing conditions and imposes an age-tax on older Americans. [CNN, 5/2/17]
  • Renacci voted for the 2017 GOP tax bill, that provides giveaways to big corporations and the wealthiest few at the expense of the middle class.[New York Times, 12/19/17]


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