
Senate Republicans Once Again Defended “Junk” Plans That Can Refuse to Cover Pre-Existing Conditions

Vulnerable GOP Senators voted this week to uphold the expansion of junk insurance plans that are “so skimpy that they offer no meaningful coverage,” expose their constituents to “catastrophic costs” and “deny coverage based on consumers’ pre-existing health conditions

Senate Republicans voted again this week to defend “junk” health insurance plans that “exclude key benefits under the Affordable Care Act and aren’t generally available to people with preexisting conditions” and “can be as costly to the healthcare system as not having insurance at all.”

Senators Martha McSally, Cory Gardner, David Perdue, Joni Ernst, Mitch McConnell, Thom Tillis, Lindsey Graham, and John Cornyn all failed a critical “litmus test for anyone who claims to support protecting people with preexisting conditions” by voting to back these junk plans. And while Democratic Senator Gary Peters spoke out against Republicans’ efforts to gut these critical protections, failed GOP Senate candidate John James was silent — reminding Michiganders they can’t trust him to protect their care.

ABC15 Phoenix: McSally Backs Expansion Of AARP-Opposed “Junk” Plans

  • “Senators divided on a bill that prevents insurance companies from offering short-term health insurance plans. Senator Martha McSally voted ‘no’ … AARP opposed the so-called junk plans because they charge older Americans higher premiums, don’t cover emergency room visits, maternity care, nor prescription drug costs. The plans also don’t include coverage for pre-existing conditions.”

Colorado Times Recorder: Gardner Falsely Claims His Vote Protects People With Pre-existing Conditions

Iowa Starting Line: Joni Ernst Votes to Uphold Short-Term, Junk Insurance Plans

  • “Sen. Joni Ernst, who voted against the proposal, has repeatedly claimed that she supports preexisiting conditions coverage despite trying to repeal the ACA.”

Texas Signal: Cornyn votes for junk health care plans that don’t cover pre-existing conditions

  • “U.S. Senator John Cornyn tries to walk through the motions of supporting health care for all Texans, but, in the end, he couldn’t bring himself around to doing so. On Wednesday, he voted to defend junk health care plans, which aren’t required to cover pre-existing conditions like cancer, prescription drugs, or maternity benefits.”

Michigan Advance: Peters, Stabenow vote against ‘junk plans,’ Senate fails to unravel anti-Obamacare Trump policy

  • “Both of Michigan’s Democratic U.S. senators, Gary Peters of Bloomfield Township and Debbie Stabenow of Lansing, voted for the measure, saying people with pre-existing conditions will be hurt… The senators previously co-sponsored legislation overturning the expansion of junk plans in August 2018.”

HuffPost: Senate Rejects Measure Trying To Nullify Trump’s Obamacare Waivers


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