
DSCC Launches New Digital Ad Highlighting How Senate Republicans Oppose Border Security: “Won’t Keep Us Safe”

Following Senate Republicans’ vote against a bipartisan bill to secure America’s border, today the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) is launching a new digital advertisement:Won’t Keep Us Safe highlighting how Republican Senate candidates including Senators Cruz and Scott opposed the bipartisan bill to secure the border, crack down on fentanyl trafficking, and keep Americans safe.

“Cruz, Scott and GOP Senate candidates have made their position clear: they’re against   securing the border, against cracking down on fentanyl trafficking, and they won’t keep Americans safe. Republicans, Democrats and border patrol agents all endorsed this border security proposal, but Cruz, Scott and GOP Senate candidates opposed it for the sake of their petty, self-serving politics – and now voters will hold them accountable by rejecting them in November,” said Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee spokesperson Tommy Garcia. 

WATCH “Won’t Keep Us Safe

The spot will reach targeted voters in Texas and Florida across Meta platforms as part of a digital campaign. 


“This is the toughest border bill in a generation.”

“This is what Republicans were demanding.”

“They all were saying a week ago before Donald Trump stepped in, he said the best border security bill ever. Now they’re saying ‘we’re going to kill it.”

“We’ve had a lot of crazy in the last seven or eight years. This is definitely a contender for leader of the pack.”

“Now, they had the opportunity to get a bill, a bipartisan bill, passed into law that would really do something about the crisis at the border.”

“This is an issue that is affecting blue states, blue cities, red states, red cities. The country is screaming for help, and they’re saying that they would put aside this issue purely for political gains.”

“The Border Patrol Union came out and the acting CBP chief both came out and said they’re not, it’s not perfect, but this is the best thing we’ve seen in decades. So are Republicans going to say that the Border Patrol Union and the acting CBP chief are wrong?”

“That is so crazy. Republicans are the ones who insisted on a border deal above everything else, and now they’re backing out? Are they lawmakers or are they five year olds at dinner time?”

On Screen: Senate Republicans won’t secure the border. They won’t keep us safe. 

See also: ICYMI: Democrats “Go On Offense On Border Security” [POLITICO]; VOTE ALERT: Cruz and Scott Oppose Bipartisan Border Security Bill, DSCC Releases New Digital Video; THE HEADLINES SAY IT ALL: “Senate Republicans Block Bipartisan Border Deal”; IN THE STATES: Democrats Slam Senate Republicans for Opposing Bipartisan Border Security Bill; HuffPost: Like Trump, Republican Senate Candidates Buck Bipartisan Border Deal.


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VOTE ALERT: Scott Votes Against America’s Security

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