
MO GOP Senate Primary Heating Up, but Every Candidate Backs Toxic GOP Health Care Plan

It’s no surprise the Republican Senate primary in Missouri is heating up — as The Washington Post reported:

Republicans have struggled to recruit top candidates…[and] a lack of a clear leader is leading to a bunch of lower-tier candidates jumping into the race, which means Republicans could spend the next year in potentially expensive (and, in some cases, divisive) primaries.”  

But no matter who emerges from this intensifying intra-party brawl, every Republican candidate has one thing in common: they all back the GOP’s toxic health care agenda that would spike premiums, impose an age tax on older Americans, and strip away coverage for pre-existing conditions.

From David Bergstein, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Spokesman: “Republican recruitment failures are setting the stage for divisive, crowded GOP Senate primaries — but every potential GOP candidate backs a toxic health care agenda that will spike premiums by 20 percent, impose an age tax on older Americans, and strip away coverage for pre-existing conditions — all to give more tax breaks to big insurance companies and the wealthiest few. As this race develops we’re sure to hear exactly what these Republicans don’t like about each other — but they all agree on an expensive, unpopular health care agenda that will force working families to pay more for less care.”

See for yourself:

  • Hawley Supported the GOP Health Care Agenda. “Obamacare is hurting Missouri families – limiting their healthcare and driving up their bills. And it’s hurting jobs. If we want better healthcare and better jobs in our state, it’s simple: Obamacare must go. I’ve fought Obamacare in the Supreme Court of the United States—and won. As Attorney General, I will keep up the fight until Missourians get real control over their healthcare and Missouri job creators are free to get our state back to work.” [Hawley For Attorney General, Accessed 3/20/17]
  • Curtman Supported The GOP Health Care Agenda. “A full repeal of Obamacare is a top priority Curtman, who said that government should protect consumer’s choices. He cited the Affordable Care Act’s insurance mandate as the opposite of that and said a repeal would ‘unleash’ insurance companies, drive up competition and decrease costs. ‘Obamacare doesn’t do anything for the consumer except force them to buy a new product,’ he said.” [Springfield News Leader, 7/13/17]
  • Petersen Supported The GOP Health Care Agenda. “Petersen says he would overturn Obamacare and seek out market alternatives to health and wellness and went into some detail on this.” [Outbreak News, 4/29/16]



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OH GOP Senate Primary Heating Up, but Every Candidate Backs Toxic GOP Health Care Plan

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