
As Trump Heads To Arizona, A Reminder That McCain Vows To Support Him

Today, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump brings his presidential campaign of offensive, toxic rhetoric to Mesa, Arizona. As Trump campaigns in John McCain’s home state, it is important to remember that McCain has vowed to support Donald Trump if he is the nominee. Even after Trump’s latest shameful policy proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the country, McCain doubled down on his support of Trump, saying “I will support the nominee of the party.”

“If McCain cannot stand up to Donald Trump, even after his most recent shameful, toxic comments, how can Arizonans trust that he will stand up for their best interests?” said Lauren Passalacqua, DSCC National Press Secretary.


McCain Confirmed He Would Support The Republican Presidential Nominee Even If It Was Donald Trump Or Ted Cruz. “Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says he’s worried Donald Trump could jeopardize Republican control of the Senate if he’s the party’s 2016 presidential nominee.  […] McCain, as he has in the past, stressed that he would support the Republican nominee, even Trump or Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), whom he’s clashed with in the past.  ‘I obviously disagree with Mr. Trump on certain issues, but I think that fight can be had within the Republican Party,’ he said. ‘We’ll just have to see what happens, but I will support the nominee of the Republican party.”  [The Hill, Ballot Box, 12/2/15]

Roll Call: “McCain Said He Would Support The GOP Nominee, Even If It Turned Out To Be A Candidate Like Real Estate Mogul Donald Trump.” “Sen. John McCain is standing by his man in the GOP presidential race, but that isn’t keeping him from weighing in on other senators in the running. […] McCain said he would support the GOP nominee, even if it turned out to be a candidate like real estate mogul Donald Trump, saying that there would be a Republican platform. But being on the ballot himself in 2016, he conceded concern about down-ballot effects of a Republican nominee who might appeal to a narrower slice of the electoral pie. He recalled the 1964 election, in which fellow Arizonan Barry Goldwater was trounced by President Lyndon B. Johnson.  ‘I think obviously, we all know from history that if you have a weak top of the ticket, that has a significant impact on the states, particularly in swing states,’ McCain said. ‘I hate to refer to Barry Goldwater who I loved and admired, but the fact is when Barry Goldwater lost, we lost big time.’  ‘New Hampshire is sort of the classic swing state,’ McCain said, saying the presidential cycle would put his colleague Kelly Ayotte in ‘greater jeopardy.’  ‘In a presidential year, because we have all those jerks from Massachusetts coming over and voting, it usually … it goes Democrat,’ McCain said of the Granite State.” [Roll Call, 12/2/15]

McCain Said If Trump Became The GOP Nominee For President: “I Vote For The Republican Nominee, Obviously. I Am A Loyal Republican.” “Senate Armed Services Chairman John McCain, the Republican presidential nominee in 2008, said Thursday that the Paris attacks should magnify the importance of national security in the 2016 campaign — and he questioned GOP front-runner Donald Trump’s qualifications for the job of commander in chief.  […] That said, McCain told USA TODAY’s weekly video newsmaker series that if the 2016 choice next November turns out to be Trump versus Democrat Hillary Clinton, ‘I vote for the Republican nominee, obviously. I am a loyal Republican.” [USA Today, 11/19/15]

McCain: “Oh Yeah. Oh YeahI Would Support The Nominee Of The Party” Even If It Was Donald Trump.  “[00:00:22] NICK CILETTI: You just said that you would support whoever the party’s nominee is.  [00:00:25] MCCAIN: Sure I’m a loyal republican.  [00:00:27] CILETTI: Including Donald Trump? You would support him?  [00:00:28] MCCAIN: Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I would support the nominee of the party but I would be worried about his lack of information particularly on national security. As far as Dr. Carson is concerned I think he is very nice man and I think he’s a good man. But when he said that if we had declared energy independence then the Arab countries would have gotten rid of Osama bin Laden: that’s just not reality.   [00:00:59] Obviously I’ve spent my life in national security and now I think it’s legitimized by the threats that we are now facing. My judgment of the qualifications of the candidates now has to be national security: the number one qualification that I seek.” [McCain, ABC 15 Interview, 11/14/2015] (VIDEO)

September 2015: McCain: “I Certainly Would Support The Nominee, No Matter Who It Is,” Even If It Were Donald Trump. According to The Hill, “Republican senators, the heart of the GOP establishment, will support Donald Trump if he wins the nomination for president, even though they’re not thrilled at the prospect. Trump has become a headache for Republican leaders in Washington, who question his electability but won’t criticize him publicly, because he’s popular with the base and they fear he may wage a third-party bid. Still, even GOP senators who have been at the wrong end of the Republican front-runner’s barbs say they’ll back him if he becomes their nominee. ‘It’s hard to predict because a lot of things happen between now and then, but I certainly would support the nominee, no matter who it is,’ said Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), the 2008 GOP nominee whose war record and imprisonment in Vietnam were mocked over the summer by Trump.” [The Hill, 9/14/15]

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