
Enabled by Senate GOP, Washington Republicans Filing Briefs Supporting Lawsuit to Eliminate Pre-Existing Conditions Protections

Today, the Trump administration is expected to formally file briefs in support of the Republican-led lawsuit that would strike down the entire Affordable Care Act, eliminating protections for people with pre-existing conditions while kicking an estimated 20 million Americans off their health insurance. The latest development in the GOP’s crusade to attack pre-existing conditions coverage, Medicaid expansion, and other health care benefits while giving the richest 0.1% a massive tax windfall comes in the middle of a pandemic that has left millions of Americans unemployed and newly uninsured.

“Millions of Americans have lost their health coverage amid a global public health crisis, yet Republicans are still charging forward with their plan to ‘terminate’ the health care law that protects people with pre-existing conditions and expanded Medicaid,” said DSCC spokesperson Helen Kalla. “Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have consistently put the health and well-being of their constituents at risk for a reckless partisan agenda, and they will be held accountable for their toxic records come November.”

Every Republican senator voted for the GOP tax bill that set this lawsuit in motion. Even now, amid a global public health crisis, not one Republican incumbent or candidate has taken meaningful steps to stop the GOP’s lawsuit against the ACA.

Here’s what they’ve said:

  • Senator Cory Gardner (CO) initially dodged questions about the lawsuit before endorsing the GOP’s argument that the health care law is unconstitutional.
  • Senator David Perdue (GA) has admitted all along that he “of course” wanted the lawsuit to succeed.
  • Senator Kelly Loeffler (GA) has said she supports President Trump’s agenda – which includes this lawsuit – “100%.”
  • Congressman Doug Collins (GA) repeatedly voted to repeal the health care law and gut pre-existing conditions protections in the House.
  • Senator Susan Collins (ME) helped pass the reckless GOP tax plan that laid the foundation for her party’s dangerous lawsuit and even said she “would support it again today” — Collins also cast the deciding vote last year in a key Senate committee to block a study on the impact of the GOP’s lawsuit.
  • Failed politician John James (MI) has called the ACA a “monstrosity” and vowed to “work [his] tail off” to repeal the law that guarantees coverage for pre-existing conditions.
  • Senator Steve Daines (MT) did not directly answer when asked if he supports the lawsuit” and has dodged questions.


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20 Million Americans Still Unemployed & Millions Still Uninsured, As Republicans Push to Gut Benefits, Block More Relief & Dismantle Health Care Law

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