Watch “Failed Us”
Marco Rubio has used the scene of the worst mass shooting in U.S. history to contemplate his political future. Rubio will spend the weekend in Florida to considering whether to run for re-election and go back on his pledge to leave the Senate, and the DSCC today released a new web video highlighting how Rubio has failed the Floridians he was elected to represent. The video, “Failed Us” features Rubio’s perennial absenteeism highlighted by local and national news reports that detail Rubio’s missed votes and committee hearings, even in the face of unprecedented threats. Unfortunately for Florida families, when Rubio does decide to show up for work, he casts votes like the one he did last December to keep open a loophole that allows known or suspected terrorists to buy firearms.
“Failed Us” shows that Marco Rubio is anything but the savior they are looking for in the Florida Senate race. WATCH:
“Marco Rubio has spent his term in the Senate not showing up for work, complaining about his job and when he did show up, taking dangerous votes like the one he cast to keep open the terrorist gun loophole,” said Lauren Passalacqua, DSCC National Press Secretary. “After a bruising 20 point loss to Donald Trump in the Florida Presidential primary, recent polls have shown again that Floridians just don’t like Marco Rubio, and this video makes it clear why. If Rubio decides to run for re-election, his long record of failing Florida voters will be impossible to defend.”