
VOTE ALERT: Cruz, Scott AGAIN Block Protections for IVF

Visit to see Senate Republican candidates’ records opposing women’s right to make their own health care decisions.

Axios: Senate Dem campaigns ready abortion rights blitz.

In response to Senators Ted Cruz and Rick Scott voting against the Right to IVF Act, legislation protecting the right to access in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) spokesperson Annie Lentz issued the following statement: 

“This vote shines a spotlight on the threat that Cruz, Scott and every Republican Senate candidate poses to women’s right to make their most personal decisions about their health care and their families for themselves. From a national ban on abortion without exceptions to opposing protections for IVF treatments, Cruz and Scott have voted time and again to attack women’s reproductive freedom. In November, voters will hold them accountable by firing them from the Senate.” 

See also:; Axios: Senate Dem campaigns ready abortion rights blitz; Daily Beast: THE IVF RECEIPTS; DSCC Statement on Senate Republicans AGAIN Blocking IVF Protection Bill; MEMO TO THE NRSC: THAT MEMO WAS A BAD IDEA


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